Innuendo (IN)
Fropsi (FR) Make it So (MIS) Tripod (TP) Chattahoochie (CH) Chronicle (CL) MotherMushroom (MM) Context (CX) Wildflower (WF) Intimacy (IC) Minnie (ME) Meeting Start: 20:02 Meeting Focus - Discussion: date for Summer Town Hall - June 8th?
LLC CX represented the LLC during this meeting and reported no new updates from LLC. IN spoke to TI prior to the meeting and reported they are pending confirmation for inventory dates. CITY IC and IN provided the updates below Land Ops Mapping Planning Quartermaster Radio Site Ops Theme Camps Zone Guide
ART FR and ME provided the following updates Grants & Projects DMV Fire Art & Safety META Procession Pyro Sound
MEDIA Make It So provided the updates below. Social Media Survival Guide Website
PARTICIPANTS Participant Facilitator/Advocate were not in attendance at today’s meeting. ZZ provided the notes below in advance of the meeting Earth Guardian Events Greeter Ice Parking
SAFETY WF and ME provided the updates below. AAA Fire Gates Medical Perimeter Rangers Sanctuary
Facilitator Summer Town Hall Presentation can be found here Initial Job Descriptions by 05/06 Comments on Leadership Code of Conduct by 05/06 Last of the weekly meetings 05/06 hopefully Add any new dates to timeline can be found here Action Items:
Attendees: Chattahoochie (CH) Innuendo (ID) Mothermushroom (MM) Tripod (TP) Chronicle (CL) Lawless (LL) The Intern (TI) ZingZing (ZZ) Intimacy (IC) Wildflower (WF) Minnie (ME) Make it So (MIS) Fropsi (FR) Meeting Focus - Timelines SET for each Department Inventory Scheduled Filling Lead Vacancies Policy Updates LLC TI Provided the following updates:
CITY ID provided the following updates General
LL reminded the group that the Leadership application contains the applicant’s preferred method of contact. Action Items:
ART FR inquired about Art positions that need to be filled.
Batcave Art Advocate Notes 4/22/24 Grants & Projects
MEDIA MIS provided the following updates Social Media Survival Guide
PARTICIPANTS LL provided the following updates: Earth Guardians - no update Events - no update Greeters - any ideas of a good candidate?
Parking - no update. Iris is Lead. Volunteers
SAFETY Wildflower provided the following updates. AAA
Gates MEAT Perimeter Rangers Sanctuary MM provided the following updates:
Facilitator CH provided the following updates: Please set office hours and document them here
Reminder about information dissemination (minutes, other AFs)