Do you want to help the META team but haven't been able to make it out for a build weekend?
We still need assistance moving structures and prepping for burn on Saturday and Sunday during Myschievia. Shifts available: Help prep the effigy for ignition Saturday from 3pm-7pm! Help prep and move temple on Sunday from 5pm-7pm! Please fill out the volunteer form and sign up on the shift spreadsheet so we can track your volunteer hours and know how much help to expect! Get all the info on how to volunteer here. There are still several important shifts we need covered so there's plenty of opportunities for you to step up!
CRITICAL SHIFTS MEAT -Medical. May require training. Onsite training: 8pm - 10pm Friday- Friday 7pm - 1am and 1am - 7 pm Saturday 7pm - 1pm This is normally the busiest shift and need volunteer to help out fire team so it's EXTRA critical! Sunday: 7am - 1 pm, 1 pm - 7 pm, and 7pm - 1am SANCTUARY -Mental health. All shifts require training. Onsite training: 6pm - 8pm on Friday- Saturday: 1am - 9am and 9pm - 1am Multiple shifts all day Sunday and Monday! RANGERS -General safety. All shifts require training. Onsite training: 1pm - 5pm on Friday- Multiple Thursday night shifts! Multiple Friday early morning shifts! Multiple Saturday early morning and evening shifts! All day Sunday and Monday! PERIMETER -Get a front row seat to the effigy burn! One shift only!- Saturday: 7pm - midnight OTHER IMPORTANT SHIFTS ZONE GUIDE Friday: 4pm - 8pm, 8pm - 1am Saturday: Noon - 3pm, 3pm - 7pm DMV Thursday: 4pm - 8pm, 8pm - midnight Friday: 8pm - midnight Saturday: Noon - 3pm Hop over to the Volunteer Registration Page to fill out your intake form and pick your shift. We need your help to make it happen. We appreciate you! We're getting down to the wire so this post is gonna have a whole pile of information! Take your time. Take a bathroom break if you need to. We'll get through this together. You can do it! Make sure you sign up for your volunteer shifts by Thursday, September 21st or you won't get a sweet printed badge this year. THAT'S ONLY THREE DAYS AWAY! Fill out the volunteer registration form and sign up for shifts here!
Meet us at Armadillo Acres around 7pm on Friday, September 22nd or whenever you can get there Saturday. Day trip or camp the weekend with us. We'd love to see your faces for this final weekend! Site Ops will be loading up all the infrastructure at the warehouse in Dallas, then unloading at site after load out. Facebook event is here. Discord event is here.
Come help load out on Friday or join us at the final work weekend for unloading and effigy/temple assembly. More hands make less work!
Event registration ends Wednesday, September 20th, if you want to see your event on the printed list. You can add your event digitally until October 1st. We're only 16 days away, y'all! Are you freaking out yet? Let's get ready to rodeo!
Make sure you sign up for your volunteer shifts by Thursday, September 21st or you won't get a sweet printed badge this year.
That's less than one week away! Fill out the volunteer registration form and sign up for shifts here! Go Volunteer!
We’re 22 days away from the craziest rodeo a pirate has ever witnessed. I know we’re all equal parts excited and stressed: excited for the adventure and community that awaits us, and stressed as we hot glue the final googly eye to the labor of love art piece we’ve been working on for months, add that last song to the final playlist, and take the last sample from the gallons of apple pie mead we’ve made. But here’s the thing – this isn’t a music festival that you buy a ticket for and then show up and enjoy what the musicians have made for you. This isn’t an art show where you walk in, have a beer, and open your heart to an emotional outpouring embodied in a sculpture of a creature that is half capybara, half mermaid, and 100% the love of your life. This isn’t a performance piece at your local community theater where you laugh and cry so hard that you throw an extra $20 in the tip jar on the way out. You don’t just spectate here, that’s not how this works. We need volunteers or this thing doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do. And our volunteer shift schedule is looking quite BARE in a few places. Sanctuary, the helpful listeners and keepers of quiet spaces… have no one scheduled during any of the evenings. Zone Guides, the fine folks that help everyone figure out where they are going… on a very busy day for them, Friday, there is only ONE person scheduled from 4 to 8, and no one covering from 8 until the gate closes. And when I say no one, I mean there isn’t even a Shift Supervisor. Rangers, the friendly do-gooders of the event ready to sort out any situation… on Friday night, from 4pm until midnight there is only ONE Ranger scheduled and for more than half of that, there is no Khaki/Supervisor either. From midnight until noon the next day, there are NO Rangers. Saturday during the effigy burn we have 3 Rangers, but no Khaki. Sunday during the temple burn we have ONE Ranger and no Khaki. MEATS, our dedicated medical team… for most shifts there’s at least one person signed up, but, in many cases, that’s all there is: ONE person. During the effigy burn there’s only one. During the temple burn there are none. The list goes on and on. We need volunteers! For those of you who have been to so many burn events you’ve lost count… you know how critical volunteering is. You know these events don’t happen without community involvement. You don’t even need to read this because you’re either already signed up (THANK YOU!) or you’re planning on doing it and have just been so busy with the googly eyes. I get it. But we’re all busy. So take 5 minutes, go put your name on the list somewhere, and then we can all stop worrying about it. For the rest of you, we need your help. Even if you’re the “I don’t need anyone on any shift to support anything” type person, we still need your help. Without volunteers the event doesn’t happen. If the shifts are all empty this year, that helps indicate how many tickets we can make available next year. With fewer tickets, there are, naturally, fewer volunteers and, well… it doesn’t take a math wizard to see that this means we eventually have 0 tickets and no event. I’m literally begging you right now… VOLUNTEER, please! Go sign up and Volunteer! –Tripod Batcave AF Are you volunteering on the piney playa this year?
Do you want a fancy pre-printed badge for your efforts? Make sure you sign up for your shifts by Thursday, September 21st or you'll only get a hand-drawn one at the event. That's only two weeks away! Fill out the volunteer registration form and sign up for shifts here! As many of you know, Myschievia's home was hit pretty hard by storms this year. Tons of fallen trees are blocking the auxiliary roads and are laid over where our campsites go. We need your help to move all of these trees and debris. The sooner, the better.
Bring your trucks and trailers to haul these big trees! Bring axes, chainsaws, and limb loppers to make them easier to handle! Not comfortable with motorized sharp things? Weed out underbrush and toss around fallen tree limbs with us! You have four weekends to choose from - 8/19, 9/2, 9/16, and 9/23 - or, hell, be there for all of 'em. Join the Land Ops Facebook group for more info or reach out to Snuggles, your land lead, here. Register to volunteer and sign up for shifts by following the instructions here. The shift sign-up page for volunteering is ready to take your name!
Head over to the Volunteer Registration page to read the fine print before you sign up! Make sure you've filled out the volunteer form here before you sign up for a shift or your shift will be refused. Don't know what any of these spots are for? Check out the Volunteer descriptions here! More questions? Reach out to your Volunteer Coordinator, Zinger, here. Do you like campsites you can set up tents in? Do you enjoy roads and trails? Did you know that Armadillo Acres, Myschievia's home, needs some attention every year?
These campsites don't clear themselves, buckaroos! The Land Ops volunteers will be out four weekends this year picking up deadfall, filling holes, removing small trees, clearing roads and trails, and making Armadillo Acres the hospitable location we know and love for our little community in the woods. Come swing axes, operate chainsaws, weed out underbrush, and toss around fallen tree limbs with us! You have four weekends to choose from - 8/19, 9/2, 9/16, and 9/23 - or, hell, be there for all of 'em. I can tell you from experience that it's a lot of work but a wonderful time and truly rewarding. Join the Land Ops Facebook group for more info or reach out to Snuggles, your land lead, here. |
September 2024