Chattahoochie (CH)
Sassafras (SF) ActaPoetry (AP) Innuendo (IN) Makeitso (MIS) Snuggles (SN) Tripod (TP) Lawless (LL) KareBear (KB) MotherMushroom (MM) GreenBean (GB) Minnie (ME) Payull (PL) Meeting Focus - LLC KB provided the following updates
Action Items
CITY SN provided the following updates for Land Ops and IN provided remaining updates on the other departments Land Ops
ART GB provided the following updates 09.23.24 Art Advocate Notes
Action Items
MEDIA MIS provided the following updates Discord Media Request form is working well for the media team. Critical updates are being prioritized. Traffic is increasing as the event approaches. Questions submitted to Media are being routed to a Department Lead. ME inquired about moderators for Myschievia´s Discord channel.
Social Media Survival Guide Website
Action Items
PARTICIPANTS LL provided the following updates Earth Guardian Events
Parking Volunteer Coordinator
Action Items
SAFETY MM provided the following updates
Perimeter Rangers
Emergency Ops Action Items
Facilitator CH provided the following updates
Chattahoochie (CH)
Sassafras (SF) Tripod (TP) KareBear (KB) Lawless (LL) MotherMushroom (MM) Innuendo (IN) Fropsi (FR) Guapo (GO) Grit (GR) Minnie (ME) MakeItSo (MIS) Payull (PL) ZingZing (ZZ) Meeting Focus - Final Push!!! LLC KB provided the following update:
Actions: None CITY IN provided the following updates: General
ART ME provided the following updates Grants & Projects DMV
MEDIA TP and MIS provided the following updates: Social Media
PARTICIPANTS LL and ZZ provided the following updates: Next Participants meeting will occur tomorrow. Earth Guardian
SAFETY MM provided the following updates: Safety AF hasn't responded to the team members and has not been in attendance at Batcave meetings for two consecutive weeks. Another virtual safety training is coming up this weekend. AAA Fire Gates Medical
Facilitator CH provided the following updates: QR code for electronic waivers was tested during the last work weekend with no issues. CH will be in attendance at the last work weekend. Actions:
Chattahoochie (CH)
Sassafras (SF) Tripod (TP) The Intern (TI) MakeitSo (MIS) Payull (PA) Wildflower (WF) Innuendo (ID) Grit (GR) Fropsi (FR) Snuggles (SN) MotherMushroom (MM) Lawless (LL) Meeting Focus - Blockers. Volunteers. LLC TI and KB shared the following updates.
CITY IN provided the following updates: The first mowing of the land has been completed. Additional accessible portos will be ordered this year. City Leads have been encouraged to start finalizing their early entry and late exodus needs. The first work weekend is coming up this weekend. SN will arrive around 6pm, volunteers around 8pm. 11 people were signed up as of last night. Burgers/Fajitas will be served. Merch will be available for land prep volunteers. IN will provide details for volunteer outreach post to Media within the next 24 hours. Land Ops Mapping Planning Quartermaster Radio:
Theme Camps
ART FR provided the following updates. Scoring art grant submissions is nearly completed, pending responses to questions from some applicants Grants & Projects DMV META Procession Pyro Sound Actions:
MEDIA MIS provided the following updates. The first draft of the survival guide has been completed and shared with Batcave. MIS requested review and approval from all department leads as soon as possible. Social Media Survival Guide Website Actions:
PARTICIPANTS LL provided the following updates: The next Participants meeting has been postponed until 10 September. Updates will be provided to Batcave following that meeting. Only two events have been registered so far. Social Media posts regarding events will be provided to media after theme camp registration ends. Earth Guardian Events Greeter Ice Parking Volunteer Coordinator -
SAFETY WF provided the following updates: Concerns regarding low volunteer numbers for safety departments were shared. Discussion regarding expectations for availability from safety leads. The expectation was set that all Safety leads check their preferred communication method and respond daily. Fire Gates Medical Perimeter Rangers
Facilitator Help me help you!
Wildflower Chattahoochie Innuendo Make It So Lawless MotherMushroom Leads: Payull BeastlyLamb City Updates from Innuendo: Making a new road on the lower field. Splitting off an extra quarter. City Placement Team Will assist in making placement decisions. Will be comprised of: Mapping Lead, Theme Camp Coordinator, Zoning Lead, City Planning Lead C12 Shifts will continue. Will be trained to troubleshoot radio problems. Site Ops Load Out will be scheduled for the Saturday after the event. Action Items:
ArtUpdates From Minnie: 27 Submissions for Art Grants 8 Members on the Art Grant Committee. Pull down art grant submissions from website. META Team Meeting 8/24 in Kaufman MediaUpdates from Make It So: Media posts will increase around 2 months out from the event. ParticipantsUpdates from Lawless ZingZing needs an update to the volunteering instructions. MIS will handle it. Shifts are filling up. Greeter Lead Nomination will be made via Discord Channel. Safety Sanctuary has no ass leads. Passwords will go out to sanctuary folks once training is offered, shortly following the Safety Extravaganza. Chattahoochie will discuss with LLC the issues about providing volunteer numbers for second round tickets due to new software. Chatahoochie confirms that Gate Tablets will be tested on the first work weekend. Batcave Meeting Minutes2024-07-29
Taken By: Tripod Attended: Chattahoochie Tripod Make It So Minnie Innuendo Wild Flower SAFETY Wildflower: Extravaganza schedule is made. Lost password function doesn't work - from gate. Tripod: reach out to zing zing. April asked who is responsible for setting up the tablets. Chatahoochie: we definitely need to test on a work weekend. She will talk to Karebear and/or Context. April informed that ass lead resigned: something-queen. CITY: Innuendo: Working on budgets 14 camps registered ART: Minnie: Go over website with Media and make updates to Art stuff. Food is being funded now. Leads can apply for art grants now. DMV, art cats and Mutant Vehilces have to carry their own liability insurance. Website audit on DMV stuff needed. META weekends will be the same as Land Team. Will need Wednesday early entry. Will reach out to media for META work weekend info. Procession… interviewed two leads, both new, katie houser, laura butler. Fropsi and minnie would like to see them co-lead. Mentors: dr salty maple, grover, and minnie. Procession spot needs to be marked on map. Innuendo, okayed it. Would LLC extend budget deadline for Procession? Minnie will talk to Karebear. Can Rangers protect the Procession spot? Wildflower will discuss with Payull. Interviewed matthew brenner for production. He'll need to run cables on burn night. Can Tripod help set up shifts for production? Tripod: yes. Buffer Zone of 10-15 feet around effigy. Inner perimeter must be off field during laser show. RV registration form linked in theme camp registration form is from 2023. Chattahoochie updated live. MEDIA: Will be posting about needs for help on work weekends due to no lawn mower. |