Context (CX)
Fropsi (FR) Innuendo Chattahoochie (CH) Sassafras (SF) Makeitso (MIS) Lawless (LL) Minnie (ME) MotherMushroom (MM) Tripod (TP) ZingZing (ZZ) Wildflower (WF) Meeting Focus - Safety Extravaganza and Safety Update Playasoft - any questions/feedback Calendar Updates? Budgeting Questions Moving forward, we will use the public “Leadership Meeting Room” in Discord for recurring Batcave meetings, so Leads/Ass Leads can observe meetings in progress. LLC CX provided the following updates
CITY IN provided the following updates: Land Ops
ART ME provided the following updates: 07/15/24 Art Advocate Notes Grants & Projects
Questions about how Early Entry will be requested and logged.
MEDIA MIS and TP provided the following updates: Social Media
Website Action Items:
PARTICIPANTS ZZ and LL provided the following updates. Earth Guardian
Parking Volunteer Coordinator - MVIP (volunteer intake form) updates
SAFETY WF provided the following updates AAA
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