Howdy Myschievians! This is some handy dandy info from the META & Production teams! Production will have laser towers surrounding the burn circle, all those towers, and the effigy itself are not climbable! Sorry, but stay off or we'll be forced to grab our spray bottles, and shoo you away! The temple structure is perfectly climbable, so you still have a thing to climb on. Thank you for your consideration, and see you on the piney playa!
P.S Also there will be four other laser towers that won't be as climable looking, but equally need to not be touched or messed with. Idk if that's relevant, but all six laser towers cannot be touched. Hell, I don't even want people to bump them because then we will have to re-align the lasers and that's just going to be hella annoying! Comments are closed.
February 2025