We're getting down to the wire so this post is gonna have a whole pile of information! Take your time. Take a bathroom break if you need to. We'll get through this together. You can do it! Make sure you sign up for your volunteer shifts by Thursday, September 21st or you won't get a sweet printed badge this year. THAT'S ONLY THREE DAYS AWAY! Fill out the volunteer registration form and sign up for shifts here!
Meet us at Armadillo Acres around 7pm on Friday, September 22nd or whenever you can get there Saturday. Day trip or camp the weekend with us. We'd love to see your faces for this final weekend! Site Ops will be loading up all the infrastructure at the warehouse in Dallas, then unloading at site after load out. Facebook event is here. Discord event is here.
Come help load out on Friday or join us at the final work weekend for unloading and effigy/temple assembly. More hands make less work!
Event registration ends Wednesday, September 20th, if you want to see your event on the printed list. You can add your event digitally until October 1st. We're only 16 days away, y'all! Are you freaking out yet? Let's get ready to rodeo!
February 2025