When tickets went live, most of you received an error message that your credit card was unable to be processed. This was due to the high volume of transactions at that time. (And yes, we had notified the credit card processor in advance). The volume of transactions caused the credit card processor's fraud protections to flag ALL of the transactions for manual review. ALL transactions were captured and flagged, including each of the multiple attempts many people made. The result was a couple thousand individual transactions that needed to be manually verified by the LLC. Our process to keep things fair was to close the sale to prevent more duplicates and sort the transactions by name so we could individually delete all multiple attempts after a person's initial attempt. This took many many hours and we appreciate everyone's patience as we worked through this. The end result was some 1,400 individual transactions after duplicates were deleted. Our next step was to sort the transactions again by time stamp and manually approve transactions until we reached our predetermined cap. We reached this cap at approximately 12:04 PM yesterday. It's no wonder we triggered the velocity detectors! Yes, you read that right. We sold out in 4 minutes. There will be no more tickets available at this time. We apologize for any inconveniences. So what next? Many of you will notice your credit cards being processed today. We are still having an issue with the credit card processor and Brown Paper Tickets communicating, so even though your card processes, you may not receive a confirmation email from BPT right away. We are working with BPT to resolve this as quickly as possible, even if we have to manually send out confirmation emails. We are also having to go through and decline the pending transactions that did not make the cut off for when tickets sold out. So how will you know if you got a ticket? Your card should process today, but whether you see that depends on your bank and how they process. We are hoping to have the confirmation emails sent out by the end of today or tomorrow at the latest and are on the phone with BPT to resolve as quickly as possible. We plan to send an official email out as soon as this last piece is resolved with all of this information as well. We just did not want to bombard people's inboxes with multiple emails so we are waiting until all issues have been resolved. We greatly appreciate your patience and support as we have worked through these issues. Hail Sagan and may Neil deGrasse Tyson be with you. -NTXB, LLC Ticket sales will now resume at 10pm CST today. With all of the multiple attempts of purchase, it's more time-consuming to sort through than initially thought. *WHAT HAD HAPPENED WAS* The credit card processing company was hit with hundreds of transactions simultaneously so they put each transaction into an approval queue, requiring LLC to manually approve each and every transaction individually. *BUT I RECEIVED AN ERROR MESSAGE* Did it thank you for your transaction? Then you're in the queue and your purchase went through. Check the image and if that's what you saw, yu should receive a confirmation email shortly! *BUT I TRIED TO BUT LIKE 100 TIMES* No worries. As long as the name on the tickets are the same, even if you used a different credit card, only the initial attempt will be processed. You won't be charged for the subsequent attempts. *PLEASE BE PATIENT* If you received the error message below, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REPURCHASE. Even if you didn't receive a confirmation email yet. You will. We promise. Thanks for bearing with us while we figure this out! CLICK HERE TO BUY TICKETS LLC is having to manually go through and approve or decline each sale within the credit card processing company. PLEASE STOP TRYING TO PURCHASE TICKETS IF YOU HAVE ALREADY MADE ONE. It will be approved and you will get a confirmation email soon! Did you kick ass as a volunteer last year to receive a link for the Volunteer Incentive Tickets the LLC so graciously awarded us? Sweet! Don't forget to grab them by midnight this Friday! The tickets made available for the volunteers will be put into the General Admission pool and released into the wild for anyone to grab! Make sure you grab yours NOW! To reiterate: VOLUNTEER INCENTIVE CODES WILL NO LONGER BE VALID AFTER MIDNIGHT CST ON FRIDAY, JUNE 28TH. You know what that means? That's right! It's almost time for everyone else to grab those tickets! GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS GO ON SALE AT NOON CST ON SATURDAY, JUNE 29TH. Get your credit cards and clicking fingers ready. And remember, there will be ONLY ONE round of ticket sales. Check out the Tickets page for more info! See you soon, Stars!
As a thank you for everything you did to help make Myschievia a success last year, many volunteers from the 2018 season have qualified for our volunteer incentive program! This is the first year for this program, and we're hoping it's a success! Thank you to all the leads who assisted us by tracking who showed up for shifts last year to get to this point.
This year's theme, as voted on at Town Hall, is We Are Star Stuff. Beginning June 1st at 12pm through June 28th at 12am, qualified volunteers from last year will be able to purchase up to two tickets before the general admission sale begins on June 29th at 12pm. Can't attend this year? No problem. Any unsold Volunteer Incentive tickets will be consolidated into the general ticket number available on June 29th. If you miss the Volunteer Incentive ticket window, your passcode becomes invalid and you must purchase a ticket via the general sale that begins on June 29th at noon. If you have any questions, concerns, or general theories about traveling to other dimensions, drop us a line here. And again, you're all the best sort of people and we're lucky to know you. Thanks and Hail Sagan, NTXB, LLC Feeling inspired? Myschievia 2019 : We are Star Stuff is around the corner and art grant applications have officially gone LIVE!
We are currently seeking all artists and creatives and would love to help you make your vision and inspiration a reality. No project is too big, nor too small. If you have any questions on what it takes to get an art grant, or if you'd like to be on our Art Grant Committee, please email your art team here. Art grant applications close July 21st so get your plans set and your application submitted soon! CLICK HERE FOR THE APPLICATION. Last year rocked our socks off, we are so grateful for you bringing life and your magic to TTITW. We can not wait to see what you have in store for us this October. ;) -Critter Art Lead |
February 2025